客服中心1FCustomer Service Center
- 申辦 Q 卡
Register for Q card
- Q 卡補登點數
Update Q card points
- Q 卡相關服務
Q card services
- 傳真(收費)
Fax service (Users for toll)
- 影印(收費)
Print (Users for toll)
- 禮品包裝服務(免費/收費)
Gift packaging (Free / Users for toll)
- 簡易式急救箱
Simple first aid kit
- 外籍顧客退稅
Tax Refund for foreign customers
- 兌換外幣
( 美金/日幣/港幣/人民幣/新加坡幣 )
Currency exchanges (Further information)
- 購物及活動諮詢
Consultance of shops and events
- 停車優惠折抵
Discount for parking fee
- 禮券販售
Gift certificate purchase
- 換開三聯發票/加蓋統一發票章
Invoice services
- 拾獲物聯絡處理
Lost and found
- 尋人廣播
Paging service
- 娃娃車出借
Pram lending (Further information)
- 輪椅出借
Wheelchair lending
- 寵物車出借(每次收費一百)
Pet cart for rent (NT100 per time)
- 英日語翻譯
English or Japanese translation
- 宅配服務(收費)
Home Delivery (Users for toll)
平日(週一至週四)及例假日 11:00~21:30
例假日前一日(週五、週六) 11:00~22:00SUN-THU 11:00~21:30
FRI & SAT 11:00~22:00
- 享生活講座
Share Room
- 精緻糕點及下午茶
VIP-Only Afternoon Tea
- 流行雜誌翻閱
Fashion Magazine
- 流行影像鑑賞
Fashion Video Playing
- 按摩服務(收費)
Massage service(User-Pay)
平日(週一至週四)及例假日 11:00~21:30
例假日前一日(週五、週六) 11:00~22:00SUN-THU 11:00~21:30
FRI & SAT 11:00~22:00
京站Wifi使用方法:Instruction of free Wifi at Q Square
- 開啟wifi尋找Qsquare_free Wifi
- 上網前會跳出「免費無線網路服務使用規範」
- 按下頁面下方「同意使用」按鈕,將強制導至京站官網
- 官網出現後,即可進行上網。
- Turn on Wifi for your devices, and search for "Qsquare_free Wifi.”
- Once you connect with “Qsquare_free Wifi, the “Free Wifi terms and conditions” will be shown on the pop-out window.
- Click “agree” on it, and the browser will take your to the official website of Q Square.
- After seeing the official website of Q Square, you are able to access the Internet.
其它服務Other Services
- 提款機 ATM1F
- 美容保養諮詢/彩妝修眉服務(收費)B11F
Beauty consultation / Makeup and eyebrow shaping (Users for toll)
- 轉運站醫藥、美容師諮詢1F
Medical and skin care consultation
- AED自動體外心臟除顫器B3F1F
Automated External Defibrillator
- 尿布販賣機2F
Diaper vending machine
- 育嬰室 (尿布台、洗手台、飲水機)3F2F
Nursery Room (Baby Changing Station, sink and Drinking Fountain)
- 哺集乳室B32F
Breastfeeding room
- 內著諮詢B12F
Underwear consultation
- VIP Lounge 紓壓按摩(獨家)3F
VIP massage lounge (Exclusive)
- 公共電話3F
Pay phone
- 自行車掛架3F
Bicycle hangers
- 自行車諮詢 / 簡易維修3F
Bicycle consultation / easy-fixing
- 全館免費無線網路各樓層
Free Wifi
- 小折寄物櫃(獨家)3F
Folding bicycle deposit (Exclusive)
- 淋浴間(獨家)每周二、五淋浴間暫停使用3F
Shower room (Exclusive)
- 日曬房(獨家)3F
Tanning room (Exclusive)
- 少女變裝間(獨家)B1
Changing room for girls (Exclusive)
- 計程車招呼站B1
Taxi Station
- Q 小路快速剪髮/證件快照B1Q小路
Quick haircut/photo booth
- 電子寄物櫃3FB2
Electronic lockers
- 冷藏寄物櫃B3
Low-temperature lockers